Countries We Source From
Currently, Rosso is sourcing from ten countries around the globe. Each of these countries has a different style of production, different micro-climate, different coffee varieties and, ultimately, different flavours to be explored. You won't find all ten countries on our menu at any given time, as we see coffee as a seasonal product. We strategically purchase our coffee with the intention of having it on the menu for six months. The idea is to always have the freshest, in-season coffee offerings available.
We've visited each of these countries and we believe that the coffees we're purchasing are among some of the most interesting coffees they have to offer. Not only do we believe they're some of the best coffees, but we also believe in the people behind the coffees. It's our goal to build sustainable and long lasting relationships with the passionate coffee producers we work with.
We use a standard called Rosso Direct to decide on the coffees we purchase and showcase on our menu. You can read about Rosso Direct here.
This is a list of the ten countries we're currently sourcing coffee from. They're listed in chronological order with Costa Rica being our first origin trip in 2015. Some of these links will take you to excerpts we've written within the last two years of sourcing.